Friday, September 30, 2011

Everything Madison Knows Now

Madison is about 14 months old. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to do this, so here goes.

Here is an incomplete list of everything Madison knows:

Signs: Help, more, bread, banana, sheep, pig, sleepy, silly, pink, up, read, dog

Random facts:
The lamp in the book is the same as the lamp on her shelf
A baby needs food
Llama's have big teeth
There are signs on the street
There are squirrels, snakes, bunnies, birds, and dogs all over the place
Pumpkins are so cool and they are also orange

How to stand up
How to cruise along the side of something while standing
How to pick apples off a tree
How to sweep
How to crawl

She learns something new each day. Today she did all of the motions to go with the song, " If you're happy and you know it". Tomorrow she will be on to trying out a new skill.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Apples are awesome

Greetings Blog!

We all went apple picking last weekend. Madison took one or two apples before she realized what she had to do. From there she was bouncing, giggly, and deadly at ripping apples off the tree. We collected 1 peck and Madison consumed 1/2 apple while going home.

I enjoyed apple picking much with such an enthusiastic 1 year+ old. I think we shall do this again before the end of this season and also many more times before Madison is too old, perhaps when she turns 20?


Bring on the apple crisp and apple oatmeal